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"Don't Stop [Color On the Walls]" by Foster the People W/lyrics

By Dylan Norman I love this song. It's rhythm and rhyme make it hard to ignore, while it's strong lyrics make it a favorite of mine. Too long have I seen strong lyrics paired with an equally dark tune, as you see in Hozier's music. While it's nice once it a while, you can easily get depressed by it. But onto the song. It is rare where I see a catchy tune, strong lyrics, and a centralized theme all in one song. The theme is about childhood, and I am still trying to decide whether it is written from the perspective of a man reminiscing about childhood or written from a kid's prospective. Either way, after examining the song, interesting themes appear to us. For instance, the idea about the lack of information sharing from adults to kids, and how kids think they should prove themselves to get it. Finally, it feels like the writer is still grappling with childhood, unready to let it go. But for now, let's get into the examination: 1 Walk little walk 2 Small ta
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"Car Radio," by 21 Pilots W/ Lyrics

By Dylan Norman This whole song is an extended metaphor. The writer is saying that when we are exposed to ourselves, our pride goes out the door, we start to hate ourselves, that it is hard to actually understand who we are and live with ourselves afterward. I think this is an amazing song, and I will try to add some more 21 Pilot's songs in the future, as they are chock full of poetry and hard to understand concepts. When you finally understand though, they open up a whole new world that makes the songs infinitely better. Now; let's look at some lyrics! 1 I ponder of something great   Claiming he is a dreamer 2 My lungs will fill and then deflate 3 They fill with fire, exhale desire 4 I know it's dire my time today 1-4 Realizes that he has little time and big dreams. He is worried that he won't have the life that he dreamt about. 5 I have these thoughts, so often I ought 6 To replace that slot with what I once bought 7' Cause somebody stole my car